Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Undergraduate Orientation at the New Campus of East West University (EWU)

Undergraduate Orientation at the New Campus of East West University (EWU)

The orientation program of the new students enrolled in the undergraduate program of East West University (EWU) in the spring semester was held on 12 January at its own campus in Aftabnagar. EWU admission office reports that a total of 860 students admitted in 8 different disciplines in this semester. Dr. Muhammad Abdur Razzaque, MP and Hon’ble Minister, Ministry of Food and Disaster Management, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh graced the occasion as the chief guest while Dr. Mohammed Farashuddin, President, Board Trustees of EWU was present as the special guest in the program. The objective of the program was to welcome the new students and orient them to the university facilities, faculty members and academic system.

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