Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Seminar at ASA University Bangladesh on “The Academic Programme in Bangladesh of Middlesex University Business School, London U.K” and “Our Responsibility to the Aged People.”

Speakers on Seminar at ASA University Bangladesh on “The Academic Programme in Bangladesh of Middlesex University Business School, London U.K” and “Our Responsibility to the Aged People.” 

A seminar was held recently at ASA University Bangladesh on “The Academic Programme in Bangladesh of Middlesex University Business School, London U.K” and “Our Responsibility to the Aged People.” Professor Md. Muinuddin Khan, the honourable Vice-Chancellor of ASA University Bangladesh attended the seminar as the Chief Guest. Dr. Hafiz T.A. Khan, a teacher of Middlesex University Business School London, UK and a visiting Research Fellow of Oxford Institute of Ageing, University of Oxford, U.K. read out the keynote paper and also gave a presentation on the  Academic Programme of Middlesex University Business School London, U.K.
The other speakers in the seminar opined that we have responsibility to the aged not only at the personal level but also at the family, society and even the State levels as well. But we are failing to carry out those responsibilities. They said that although now -a -days some old homes are being established, those are not enough. The speakers called upon the authorities of governmental and non-governmental organizations for coming forward to take initiatives for extending co-operations to the aged. In the seminar Dr. Hafiz T.A. Khan narrated in detail the academic programme of Middlesex University Business School London. He also talked about the co-operation of ASA University Bangladesh with different universities in England.
The seminar was also attended among others by Prof. Dr. Md. Abdul Hye, Dean of the Faculty of Business, Mr.Md. Shahjahan, the Registrar of ASAUB and Dr. A.K.M. Helaluz Zaman, an Associate Professor in the Department of Business Studies and Proctor of ASAUB besides Deans of different faculties, Chairmen and teachers of different departments of ASAUB.

Thanks and best regards

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