Monday, July 18, 2011

Freshers’ Reception at State University of Bangladesh

It is seen Eminent Educationist and Literary Personality Prof. Abdullah Abu Sayeed, CEO, Bishwa Sahittya Kendra as a special guest delivering his speech and from the left Prof. A Y M Ekram-Ud-Daulah, Registrar, Prof. Dr. S.M.A. Faiz, Member of Syndicate, SUB, Prof. Dr. Iftekhar Ghani Chowdhury, Major General (Rtd.) Dr. M Shahjahan, Treasurer & Advisor, School of Health Sciences, Prof. A A K M Lutfuzzaman, Dean, School of Science & Technology are also seen in the picture.

Prof. Abdullah Abu Sayeed, Chairman and Chief Executive, Bishwa Sahittya Kendra was the chief guest in the ceremony

The Freshers’ Reception to welcome the newly admitted students of Spring 2011 was held on February 13, 2011 at the auditorium of the State University of Bangladesh (SUB).

Eminent Educationist and Literary Personality Prof. Abdullah Abu Sayeed, Chairman and Chief Executive, Bishwa Sahittya Kendra was the chief guest in the ceremony. The ceremony was chaired by Prof. Dr. Iftekhar Ghani Chowdhury, Vice Chancellor of the University.

Chief Guest in his speech welcomed the newcomers and urged upon them to devote themselves for acquiring knowledge so as to face the challenges in their life. Prof. Dr. Iftekhar Ghani Chowdhury in his presidential speech welcomed the newcomers and advised them to acquire knowledge in its true perspectives.

Prof. Dr. S.M.A. Faiz, Member of Syndicate, SUB, Major General (Rtd.) Dr. M Shahjahan, Treasurer & Advisor, School of Health Sciences, Prof. A A K M Lutfuzzaman, Dean, School of Science & Technology among others Prof. A Y M Ekram-Ud-Daulah, Registrar also apprised the Freshers code of conduct to be followed by them on the occasion.

The reception ceremony ended with a colorful cultural program organized by the students of the University.

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